Language Embedding

Generating BIP Models from Other Languages

Language embedding concerns the use of BIP as an unifying semantic model for structural representation of such different programming models or domain specific languages. We have developed a general method for generating BIP models from languages with well-defined operational semantics.

 MATLAB/Simulink to BIP

MATLAB/Simulink is a very popular commercial tool for model-based design and simulation of dynamic embedded systems. Simulink is widely used by engineers since it provides a wide variety of block libraries for implementing and testing discrete and continuous systems occurring in many application domains.

We are developing a method for the translation of a discrete-time fragment of Simulink into the synchronous subset of the BIP language. The translation presented in [2] is fully compositional, that is, it preserves completely the original structure and reveals the minimal control coordination structure needed to perform the correct computation within Simulink models. Additionally, this translation can be seen as providing an alternative operational semantics of Simulink models using BIP.

[2V. Sfyrla, G. Tsiligiannis, I. Safaka, M. Bozga and J. Sifakis Compositional Translation of Simulink Models into Synchronous BIP. In Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems SIES’10 Proceedings, WIP track.

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