Language Embedding

Generating BIP Models from Other Languages

Language embedding concerns the use of BIP as an unifying semantic model for structural representation of such different programming models or domain specific languages. We have developed a general method for generating BIP models from languages with well-defined operational semantics.

  •  NesC/TinyOS in BIP

In [6], we present a compositional methodology for modeling and analyzing sensor network applications using BIP. For every sensor, its model consists of a composition of (1) a model extracted from a nesC program describing the application, and (2) an abstract models of TinyOS components. This opens the way for enhanced analysis and early error detection by using verifications techniques.

[6A. Basu, L. Mounier, M. Poulhiès, J. Pulou and J. Sifakis. Using BIP for Modeling and Verification of Networked Systems - A Case Study on TinyOS-based Networks. In Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2007) Proceedings, pages 257-260.

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