[Master] Modeling and Characterizing Fault Attacks exploiting the Memory Architecture


Advisors: Pierre Corbineau and Bruno Ferres


Fault injections (using laser beams, EM injection, or even purely software attacks) are a real threat against all embedded systems. To protect the code, or evaluate the robustness of components, fault simulators are crucials tools when exploring possible effects of an attack, or to exhaustively check that no attack path has been left aside.

  Internship Goal

The applicant is expected to work on a low-level fault simulator, in order to understand and characterize how hardware faults can be used in realistic attack scenarios, and how the code can be protected against such attack. This internship mixes engineering (as the simulator should be modified during the work) and research work, and is a great first step in the world of practical security assessment. For further information, please take a look at the attached document. If you are interested in this internship, do not hesitate to contact the advisors.

Attached documents

Internship Proposal

23 October 2023
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