- Overview, p1
- Real-Time, p2
- Execution Environment, p3
Execution Environment
In the previous section, we explained how to connect a BIP program to an external component which is a real-time clock. Another issue is how to connect BIP programs to other environment components. An environment component can be an hardware components (e.g. sensors or actuators), or a software component that is not part of the BIP program (e.g. not written in BIP).
The work includes:
- The extension of BIP for expressing open systems, that is, mechanisms for connecting classical BIP models to their external execution environment.
- When simulating the model, a model of the environment should be provided, expressed in BIP.
- When executing the model on a platform, the model of the environment is replaced by its actual implementation. The Real-Time BIP Execution Engine should ensure the connection between the input/output of the model and the actual environment.